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  • Volume 39, Issue 7
  • Volume 39, Issue 7

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    Patient Care

    Local anesthesia: Tips and tricks for learning and refreshing skills

    Keeping your local dental anesthesia skills sharp is key to maintaining your confidence. Here’s a few simple ways to do that.
    © Dmitry Panchenko | Dreamstime.com
    Dreamstime M 72529137

    Why in-house membership plans could replace ‘insurance’

    July 31, 2019
    Dental "insurance" isn't really insurance, and it is exerting a negative influence on patient care and practice sustainability.
    © Vrozhko | Dreamstime.com
    Dreamstime M 76019846

    Nonnutritive sucking habits: Intervention techniques

    July 30, 2019
    The chances of developing malocclusion due to nonnutritive sucking habits may decrease when parents are properly educated and actively participate in prevention strategies.
    © Steven Cukrov | Dreamstime.com
    1907 Rd Hgar P01 Copy
    Patient Care

    Dispelling the myth of an aspirin a day: New findings

    New research does not support taking a baby aspirin a day in order to prevent heart attack. It’s up to dental hygienists to learn the latest information and inform their patients...
    © Marina Dymchenko | Dreamstime.com
    1907 Rd Hgui P01 Copy

    Dry mouth issues: Getting to the root of the problem

    Anne Nugent Guignon, MPH, RDH, CSP, discusses risk assessment for caries and dry mouth, along with dental products that can be used to treat xerostomia and hyposalivation.

    More content from Volume 39, Issue 7

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    Infection Control

    Dirty evacuation lines stink, in more ways than one

    July 1, 2019
    Not only are dirty evacuation lines biohazards in dental practices, they can also smell terrible. Here are some suggestions for keeping those evacuation lines clean.
    © Pornchai Soda | Dreamstime.com
    1907 Rd Hcol P01

    4 ways to reduce your risk of repetitive injuries

    Once in a while we have that patient who challenges our ergonomic practice standards and sends our backs, necks, and hands screaming in pain for days. As a profession, we pride...
    Lisa Costello, RDH, provides preventive services to a patient.
    Alternative Practice

    Direct access dental hygiene: Spotlight on Michigan

    In Michigan, dental hygienists collaborate with dentists to provide direct care under the PA 161 program.
    1907 Rd Hmos Z01 Copy
    Career & Profession

    CHX: We don’t like it! Why are we still using it?

    July 1, 2019
    A new formulation of iodine—a substance that has been used therapeutically for thousands of years—has created an alternative to CHX.
    1907 Rd Hbur
    Oral Pathology

    Pigmented fungiform papillae, or papillary tip melanosis

    Pigmented areas are not uncommon but can cause clinical confusion, especially when melanoma is a concern. Here's what you need to know.
    © Victorrustle | Dreamstime.com
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    Silver Diamine Fluoride

    Suffering in silence

    July 1, 2019
    How expanded dental hygiene practice and SDF could radically improve outcomes for older Americans
    © Jose Antonio Nicoli | Dreamstime.com
    1907 Rd Haug P01 Alt Copy

    Practice Changers: Mirror Magic by Zirc

    Mirror debris and fog interfere with the clincian’s ability to detect disease. An antifog solution such as Mirror Magic by Zirc offers a convenient way to treat the mirrors a ...
    © Zlikovec | Dreamstime.com
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    Career & Profession

    Charging a separate fee for periodontal charting

    This dental hygienist believes the office manager is wrong to charge a separate fee for periodontal charting, a practice known as “unbundling.” Her fellow team members agree. ...
    © Stokkete | Dreamstime.com
    1907 Rd Hper P01
    Career & Profession

    Résumés: What can you do better?

    July 1, 2019
    Résumés are the way people get their foot in the door for that all-important interview. Here’s what dental hygienists can do to make their résumés stand out for potential employers...