Urea-based handwash lotion available

Oct. 1, 1999
Many dentists and staff members suffer from acute or chronic dermatitis caused by microorganisms, irritants, and allergens.

Many dentists and staff members suffer from acute or chronic dermatitis caused by microorganisms, irritants, and allergens.

Studies show that the destruction of protective-skin lipids by soaps and detergents is a major cause of these problems, however, no satisfactory alternative was available before now. German dermatologists have developed VELADERM Professional Handwash lotion, which cleans the skin without lipid-depleting detergents. Urea cleans by dissociating the weak forces linking contaminants to skin structures. Being a natural moisturizing factor, it restitutes the water-binding capacity of dry and irritated skin. A well hydrated, healthy skin with an intact lipid barrier is not susceptible to allergens from latex or any other source.

For additional information, contact Veladerm at (516) 561-4212; e-mail to [email protected]; or check out the company`s Web site at www.veladerm.com.