By filling out this application, your practice could receive national recognition for an innovative
By filling out this application, your practice could receive national recognition for an innovative approach to preventive dentistry.
Stacey White-Welker
The Levin Group and RDH are pleased to announce a new award in dentistry. The Preventive Practice of the Year Award is dedicated to identifying top dental practices with outstanding prevention programs.
"This is truly an award that honors the dental hygienist," said Roger P. Levin, DDS, MBA, president and founder of the Levin Group. The Levin Group was founded in 1985 to help dental practices achieve higher levels of success through outstanding management systems, and has always stressed dental hygiene as a key area in the dental practice both clinically and in regard to practice production.
"The dental hygienist is a key player on the dental team ... both as a team member and a producer, a unique individual in the structure of the dental practice. Unfortunately, so often dental hygiene has been relegated to that of a `tooth cleaning` department, and we have missed the great opportunity to not only help our patients, but enhance practice productivity," stated Dr. Levin. "This award will be given to those hygienists and practices who recognize the importance of prevention and a strong dental hygiene department."
How the Program Works
The Preventive Practice of the Year Award will be based on a number of criteria. Because dental hygiene is clearly an aspect of dental practice success, the award will focus on a number of areas including:
- How well the dental hygiene department is organized and operated
- Diagnostic services provided
- Preventive services provided
- Oral home care instruction
- Oral home care product recommendations
- Oral home care products available in the office
- Follow up
- Recall systems
- Interaction between the hygienist and patient
- Communication between the hygienist and dentist and a host of other factors.
In the early spring, judges will select finalists for the Preventive Practice of the Year Award program. A Preventive Practice of the Year representative will visit each of these practices, which will then have the opportunity to provide an overview and details about their preventive program.
"Never before has periodontal diagnosis and treatment been more important to American society. The baby boomers are aging and periodontal disease is still one of the critical heath issues that can be addressed through excellent dental hygiene programs," says Dr. Levin. "It is the obligation of dental practices to provide the best care they can for each and every patient, and practices with excellent hygiene are achieving this goal."
The Preventive Practice of the Year Award, co-sponsored by the Levin Group and RDH, will create a benchmark for all practices. The educational sponsor of the Preventive Practice of the Year is Optiva Corp., which manufactures Sonicare®. The winner of the Preventive Practice of the Year Award will be featured in the July issue of RDH with information that will allow all other practices to learn about why the preventive program and the winning practice has been so successful.
If you think that your practice should be the first Preventive Practice of the Year Award, please complete the application enclosed in this issue of RDH and send it to the Levin Group, or call the Levin Group at 888.973.0000 to receive an application. The deadline for returning an application is April 1.
Stacey White-Welker is manager of the Preventive Practice of the Year Awards for the Levin Group.
Truth of Information/Release
Please read and sign the following:
To the best of my knowledge, the information provided herein is true and complete. All financial information contained herein shall remain confidential unless I agree to its release.
I understand that the information I provide on this entry form will be used by the sponsors and the panel of judges in selecting the award recipient, and I consent to the use of this information for such purpose. I further consent to the use of such information for research, educational, or any other purpose so long as such use does not divulge my identity or the identity of any other members of my practice to any person other than the sponsors, the judges, and their respective affiliates. I also understand that my application materials will not be returned to me.
If I am selected as an award recipient, I hereby authorize the use, in connection with the Preventive Practice of the Year Award, of my name, my practice`s name, non-financial information, photographs, video recordings, and audio recordings of me from whatever source. I agree that no compensation shall be due to me or my practice for such usage.
Printed name__________________________________
Mail entry form to:
The Levin Group
Preventive Practice of the Year Award
10 New Plant Court
Owings Mills, MD 21117
If you have any questions about the award or this entry form, please call us at (888) 973-0000 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Best wishes for success in the competition!