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Top 10 reasons for joining OSAP

Nov. 1, 2006
What is OSAP?

What is OSAP?

OSAP is the Organization for Safety and Asepsis Procedures, which is dedicated to promoting infection control and safety policies and practices supported by science and research. This nonprofit association helps dental practitioners bring policy into practice.

OSAP provides helpful publications, educational tools and programs, answers to infection control and safety questions, and much more. OSAP helps educators, researchers, companies and patients with their dental infection control and safety needs. OSAP is a network of people, resources, information and opportunity.

Who is OSAP?

OSAP is a meeting of the minds…the most diverse and important minds in dental safety. Through OSAP, people from many “worlds” come together to share ideas and resources and build consensus in the important arena of safe dentistry.

Why Join OSAP?

From any perspective, safety in health-care settings is vitally important - however many health-care workers are focused on other goals and do not have time to research every bit of advice they receive. OSAP is a reliable source of science-based, clinically relevant information.

Hello. I am a dental hygienist who has based my second career on dental infection control, and I know OSAP as a beacon of light and direction for anyone considering a leadership role related to clinical safety. OSAP distills and organizes a gold mine of relevant information members can rely on. Members represent many important layers and specialties of the dental profession, and bring together expertise and perspectives that broaden OSAP’s relevance and value. Why join OSAP? This question is best answered by a few OSAP members and colleagues.

Nancy Andrews, RDH, BS, is a speaker, writer, and consultant. She may be reached at [email protected].

Top Ten Reasons to join OSAP

#10 To hear dialogue between official agencies and industry leaders
• “OSAP is the arena where governmental agencies such as the CDC, FDA, EPA, and Military come together with dental professional associations such as the ADA, researchers, and educational leaders including university professors and deans, consultants, clinicians and managers. Here relationships are built as ideas are exchanged and information is shared. Differences are explored and understanding is improved.” Nancy Andrews, RDH, BS


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• “OSAP is the best non-biased resource to demystify OSHA and CDC guidelines and provide training resources that we can count on to be accurate and non-commercial.” Peggy Spitzer, RDH

#9 For continuing education

• “OSAP provides quality continuing education recognized by AGD and DANB, as well as many State Boards of Registration and Licensure.” Kathy Eklund, RDH, MHP

• “The Annual OSAP symposium is where speakers, writers, educators, policy makers, researchers and managers come to learn and teach. The ideas presented at the OSAP Symposium fuel the profession’s articles, seminars, classes, policies and practices for the next year.” Nancy Andrews, RDH, BS

• “The monthly newsletter, ‘Infection Control In Practice,’ presents vital information in continuing education modules. Other CE opportunities are available continually through OSAP in a variety of formats.” Nancy Andrews, RDH, BS

#8 To find and meet companies who value and support science

• “OSAP member companies participate in information exchange, and OSAP provides the common ground where commercial interests are accessible to and answerable to all other members. The dialogue is two-way: OSAP provides a forum for customers to influence commercial products and development.” Nancy Andrews, RDH, BS

#7 For networking

• “Professional networking opportunities among OSAP’s very diverse membership provides opportunities for professional exchange on a global level. OSAP is an international organization.” Kathy Eklund, RDH, MHP

• “The people of OSAP open doors to many new ideas and shared concerns, and relationships built through OSAP will change the world of dental safety.” Nancy Andrews, RDH, BS

• “OSAP serves the profession and the public. OSAP is an apolitical professional organization. All members are treated equitably and all membership categories are represented on the Board of Directors.” Kathy Eklund, RDH, MHP

#6 For access to experts

• “OSAP provides access to experts in infection control and safety.” Kathy Eklund, RDH, MHP

• “OSAP brings experts from the broad arena of infection control together, where they can share their ideas and information, and where dialogue between the experts takes place. Members have access to many experts from specialties outside of dentistry as well as to well-known and respected dental infection control leaders - including many of the authors of the most important textbooks and documents in dentistry, such as the CDC Guidelines.” Nancy Andrews, RDH, BS

#5 For Career options and expansion

• “OSAP provides career options in infection control management, infection control consulting, sales and marketing infection control products and services.” Kathy Eklund, RDH, MHP


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• “The RDH is the logical choice to coordinate safety and OSHA plans, and is the best resource in the office for objective scientific information about infection control.” Peggy Spitzer, RDH

• “OSAP brings many possibilities for expanding our role within the dental office, our communities, and the dental industry. It allows for the kind of "outside the box" thinking that stimulates growth and elevates the value of our profession.” Nancy Valentine, RDH

#4 OSAP is the resource for general workplace safety, which is central to career longevity

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• “OSAP is much more than infection control. OSAP is focused on total workplace safety - improving infection control, reducing or eliminating chemical and environmental hazards, and practicing good ergonomics to eliminate or decrease musculoskeletal disorders. Workplace safety translates into personal health and well-being and career longevity.”Anne Guignon, RDH, MPH

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• “Any member of the dental team should be a member for their own health and safety and for the health and safety of their patients and fellow team members.” Helene Bednarsh, RDH, MPH

#3 For trusted information

• “OSAP scrutinizes information, promotes the highest standards, and makes science-based information available for practical use.” Nancy Andrews, RDH, BS


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• “OSAP provides access to credible information and resources for infection control and safety. (Web site, FAQs, educational products, and OSAP’s Central Office provide support for inquiries).” Kathy Eklund, RDH, MHP

• “Members trust OSAP to guide them through infection control and hazard control issues. The OSAP newsletter is an excellent and reliable source of up-to-date information.” Bunny L. Bookwalter, CDA, RDA, RDH, MS.

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• ”As a professional in charge of training others in infection control practices, I highly value the educational materials developed by OSAP to enhance and focus our training programs. I know it is based on sound science and I can implement and share the information.” Kathy Bassett, RDH, MEd

• “The articles published by OSAP are timely and well received. OSAP serves as an “outside” expert and resource.” Catherine A. Berard, RDH, BSDH

• “OSAP has an interesting Web site with excellent links and access to past articles of interest.” Beth Atkins, RDH, BS

• “OSAP is a wonderful resource for the most accurate and up-to-date information on infection control and overall office safety.” Doni Bird, CDA, RDH, MA

#2 To stay on the cutting edge of health and safety information, including infection control

• “OSAP helps my office stay ahead of the curve on health and safety in the workplace.” Catherine A. Berard, RDH, BSDH

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• “OSAP provides up-to-date information on diseases, safety & infection control, and keeps me on the cutting edge of infection control for my safety, and the safety of the office staff and patients.” Beth Atkins, RDH, BS

• “OSAP keeps me updated so I can use the materials for interim and annual updates.” Diann Bomkamp, RDH, BSDH


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• “OSAP is the only avenue that is up-to-date on safety and infection control, both for teaching and for personal information.” Joan Brandlin, RDH, BS

#1 Reason to join OSAP

This is yours.

Are you a practicing hygienist who wants to do the right thing by staying on top of science-based practices? Do you play a role in directing your office safety policy?

Would you be more of a safety leader if you were sure of your leadership decisions? Are you interested in a network of accomplished and interesting people who will open a window on safety issues in a multitude of settings? Will you broaden your view soon?

Do you have information and resources to share?

OSAP is like the Internet - an evolving source of connectivity and empowerment awaiting your link.

Log on to:, or call 1-800-OSAP. OSAP