In the beginning (or at least in 2000), PennWell Publishing and RDH magazine decided to host a continuing education meeting exclusively for hygienists. The program was named Under One Roof (UOR) because many columnists from RDH presented continuing education programs all “under one roof.” The program has grown from a modest number of registrants at the 2001 UOR in Denver to more than 900 participants and dozens of speakers in Chicago in 2005. UOR has become one of the most sought after programs in the country for dental hygienists.
For the 2006 UOR, organizers have added two new dimensions. Since there are always many wonderful presenters, and hygienists want to participate in programs that often conflict with one another, several new sessions called “Power Hours” have been added. This first set of Power Hours will feature four distinguished continuing education speakers. Cheryl Thomas, RDH, Debra Grant, RDH, Lynne Slim, RDH, and myself will present mini versions of our programs. These one-hour, one-CE, Power Hour sessions will be given twice over the course of two days at various times so that participants will have the opportunity to visit each of them.
Cheryl Thomas will present her program on “Organ Transplantation and Dentistry: The Top 10 Things You Need to Know.” Cheryl is a kidney transplant patient who has developed programs for the dental team on kidney disease and organ transplantation (see From the Podium, January 2005). Cheryl’s Power Hour will discuss the latest information and skills required to provide dental services to organ transplant patients, whose numbers are expected to increase substantially during the next decade.
“Perioromatherapy: The Original Dental Spa - Advancing the Typical Maintenance Experience” is the title of Debra Grant’s Power Hour presentation. Debra is the author of the Mind, Body, Spirit column in RDH magazine and operator of her own company, Oraspa, Inc. She enhances the dental and dental hygiene experience by promoting the dental spa environment through the use of essential oils, music, and touch therapy. She will teach participants how to enhance their clinical care with comfort products, comprehensive oral cancer screening, and medical history assessment.
Lynne Slim will join with John Kwan, DDS, to present “Weeding and Maintaining Gum Gardens.” This Power Hour will discuss utilizing micro-ultrasonic instrumentation, and how the hygienists’ role in periodontal therapy can be enhanced when combined with other treatment modalities. Lynne is RDH magazine’s periodontal columnist and was featured in the October 2005 From the Podium.
I developed the final Power Hour presentation, “Recognizing Childhood Developmental Delays,” from experiences I have had with children who have speech/language and motor delays. These are normal, healthy children, yet they are experiencing speech delays. Oral health and speech are undeniably linked, and this program discusses how dental hygienists can play a critical role in identifying these children and making the appropriate referrals for services.
If I had to choose one of these programs on the regular UOR schedule, I would have trouble deciding which one to attend as a UOR registrant. But with the new Power Hours, I don’t have to. I can attend two on one day and two on another and still have plenty of time to attend the main presentations. The Power Hours are included in the program registration cost.
The second enhancement to Under One Roof is for aspiring authors and speakers. Have you ever wondered how you can have your idea become a published article? Or, have you ever sat through a boring presentation and thought, “I can do better than this?” To help you develop the “write stuff,” RDH E-Village editor Kristine Hodsdon, RDH, will moderate two panels that will explain the skills needed to become a professional speaker or author. Learn the how-tos from the best in dental hygiene and start yourself on a new path. These presentations have limited space and are an additional fee.
These are great enhancements to an already exciting continuing education and social event! All of the main program events that you have come to expect and enjoy are still present, from the general session speakers, to the hands-on workshops, to the product exhibitors and social events (including karaoke), as well as the entertainment. Hope you plan to attend UOR in Las Vegas at the Rio Hotel, July 26-28, 2006. See you there!