Anti-Infective Periodontal products

March 1, 1998
- Proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop: Over 80 European periodontists reviewed the periodontal literature in five areas. 47 contributors, 428 pages.

OraTec Corp. has released three new texts for anti-infective periodontal therapy.

- Proceedings of the 2nd European Workshop: Over 80 European periodontists reviewed the periodontal literature in five areas. 47 contributors, 428 pages.

- Cliffs Notes: Microbiology and Cliffs Notes: Human Nutrition - Clinicians can brush up on their microbiology and nutrition with Cliffs Notes.

- For more information or to receive a free, 34-page catalog of the company`s periodontal products, contact OraTec at (800) 368-3529 or [email protected].