Faster-acting, germicidal disposable wipes

Sept. 1, 1999
Professional Disposables, Inc. introduces Sani-Cloth® Plus™ to its line of germicidal disposable wipes. Designed for use on hard surfaces in health-care settings, Sani-Cloth® Plus™ replaces the popular Sani-Cloth wipes, while maintaining the same features and benefits that have made Sani-Cloth the industry standard for infection control.

Professional Disposables, Inc. introduces Sani-Cloth® Plus™ to its line of germicidal disposable wipes. Designed for use on hard surfaces in health-care settings, Sani-Cloth® Plus™ replaces the popular Sani-Cloth wipes, while maintaining the same features and benefits that have made Sani-Cloth the industry standard for infection control.

Sani-Cloth® Plus™ is presaturated with a powerful germicidal solution that is noncaustic, noncorrosive, and nontoxic. Convenient to use, Sani-Cloth® Plus™ eliminates the need for mixing or measuring. It is available in convenient pop-up canisters with optional wall brackets, or individual pocket packets.

For more information, contact Professional Disposables, Inc. at (800) 999-6423 or visit its Web site at