The Perfect Present offers the ToothFairy`s Baby Tooth Bank™, a unique keepsake for saving baby teeth, Tooth Fairy money, and the dates each tiny tooth fell out.
Each precious little tooth is saved in one of 20 numbered cubby holes around the tooth center. Tooth Fairy money is kept safe in the hollow tooth centerpiece. A chart on the bank`s bottom helps the Tooth Fairy keep a diary of the special dates each tooth fell out.
The banks are available in blue, pink, yellow, and mint trim and primary-color combination, packaged in a silver gift box.
The ToothFairy`s Baby Tooth Bank™ makes an enduring and novel gift idea for baby showers, birthdays, holidays, and first lost-tooth moments.
For more information, contact The Perfect Present Co. at (610) 642-7634 or check out the company`s Web site at