
July 1, 1999
Summer Offer: Get one dozen Proxi-Tips free with the purchase of two dozen Proxi-Tips ($48) + shipping. For more information, call AIT Dental at (800) 876-4620.

"At last, takes the struggle out of flossing."

- Increases compliance; little dexterity required.

- Interproximal brush/stimulator in one, contains no wires!

- Safe on periodontal, orthodontic, and implant patients.

- Removes plaque and debris interproximally without root sensitivity.

- Locally delivers antimicrobial agents and gels repeatedly without generalized staining.

- Economical; outlasts traditional, twisted-wire interproximal brushes.

Summer Offer: Get one dozen Proxi-Tips free with the purchase of two dozen Proxi-Tips ($48) + shipping. For more information, call AIT Dental at (800) 876-4620.