Bisco`s V.I.P. Variable Intensity Polymerizer™ represents the state-of-the-art in dental curing lights. It features programmable and user-definable pre-sets for time and intensity combinations. The lower ranges of time and intensity accurately and reliably facilitate utilization of the pulse-delayed curing technique, which was developed to eliminate the incidence of marginal gap formation and enamel cracking caused by rapid shrinkage stress.
The V.I.P. also can be used like a standard curing light for routine procedures. It includes high-tech self-diagnostic programs, and a radiometer that automatically and simultaneously recalibrates the light at five intensities. Standard gauge (ll mm), probe, and light shield are included. Additional probes, shields, wall-mount brackets, and 90° cords are available separately.
For more information, call Bisco at (800) BISDENT or visit the company`s Web site at