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For more information about seminars titled, "Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy and Management," contact Concord Dental Seminars, (800) 603-8032. The course is taught by S.N. Bhaskar, DDS, MS, PhD, and will be taught at the following dates and locations:
- Atlanta, Jan. 10; Savannah, Ga. (Jan. 11).
- Dr. Bhaskar will also conduct Clinical Dentistry Update in Miami on Dec. 6, Orlando on Dec. 7, and Dear-born, Mich. on Jan. 25.
Concord Dental Seminars also offers the following speakers:
- Stanley Malamed, DDS, Emer-gency Medicine in Dentistry, Chicago (Dec. 13); The Renaissance in Local Anesthesia, Chicago (Dec. 14).
- Joan Otomo-Corgel, DDS, MPH, Antimicrobials in Periodontal Therapy, Anaheim, Calif. (Jan. 10).
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San Diego County Dental Hygienists Society: For more information, contact Cynthia Fong, RDH, 817 Adella Ave., Coronado, CA 92118; (619) 435-2860.
- Power Scaling: Redefining Ultra-sonic Therapy, taught by Cynthia Fong.
- Demystifiying Patient Compliance: Reality Based Strategies for Success, taught by Tricia Osuna, RDH.
- Both courses are Feb. 2, at the San Diego Marriott.
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Delaware Dental Hygienists` Associa-tion: For more information, contact Kimberly Hickman, RDH, BS, continuing education chair, 147 Redden Lane, Middletown, DE 19709; (302) 378-0404.
- How to Help Your Patients be Tobacco Free: A Practical Team Approach, taught by Robert E. Mecklenburg, DDS, on behalf of the National Cancer Institute.
- Hands-on course featuring Prisma-Shield and Fluora-Shield sealants.
- Both courses will be presented Jan. 25, at the Sheraton Conference Center in Dover.
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Hawaii Dental Hygienists` Associa-tion: For more information about the fifth annual session on Jan. 18-19, 1997, contact Marilyn Roberts Nonaka, 1237 Mokuhano St., Honolulu, HI 96825-3030; (808) 396-9168.
- How much are dental hygiene services worth?, taught by Marge Reveal, RDH.
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Illinois Dental Hygienists` Associa-tion: For more information, contact IDHA Management Firm, P.O. Box 6025, St. Charles, IL 60174-6025; (847) 697-1334.
- Mid-Winter Continuing Education Meeting, Feb. 21-23, Marriott Hotel, downtown Chicago.