Panic attack network?

April 1, 1997
Pertaining to the November 1996 Medical Alert column that addresses patients with panic attacks and nervousness, I am a dental hygienist with both mitral valve prolapse and Oanxiety attacks.O I would be interested in hearing from others that have this same OdualO condition. Is there a correlation? Please contact me through [email protected].

Dear RDH:

Pertaining to the November 1996 Medical Alert column that addresses patients with panic attacks and nervousness, I am a dental hygienist with both mitral valve prolapse and Oanxiety attacks.O I would be interested in hearing from others that have this same OdualO condition. Is there a correlation? Please contact me through [email protected].

There is a National Society for Mitral Valve Prolapse and Dysautonmia based in Birmingham, Ala. The phone number is (800) 541-8602.

Mary Kellerman

Boston, Massachusetts