Confusing term in Infection Control column

Aug. 1, 1997
This letter is in reference to the May 1997 article titled, OOffices manage allergies to latex materials by understanding risks, reducing exposure.O

Dear RDH:

This letter is in reference to the May 1997 article titled, OOffices manage allergies to latex materials by understanding risks, reducing exposure.O

The author uses the term, Oatopy,O incorrectly. According to Taber?s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, OatopyO is defined as Oallergy for which there is a genetic disposition.O The author of this article writes, OIf the allergen contacts a small part of the body, a local response called atopy occurs.O

This statement will cause confusion to people who do not understand allergies. I am somewhat familiar with allergies, and this statement certainly confused me.

Diane O?Fee Powers, RDH

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Editor?s note: RDH regrets the error.