How clean is your toothbrush?

Sept. 1, 2000
A little-known fact is that your toothbrush can be the main culprit in spreading germs and bacteria. Tests using the Steri-Brush Anti-Bacterial System have shown a dramatic reduction of the microbial counts between brushes using this system and others that are air-dried.

A little-known fact is that your toothbrush can be the main culprit in spreading germs and bacteria. Tests using the Steri-Brush Anti-Bacterial System have shown a dramatic reduction of the microbial counts between brushes using this system and others that are air-dried.

The Steri-Brush unit consists of an antibacterial toothbrush holder and sterilizing solution. Simply fill the color-coded, two-cup or four-cup Steri-Brush unit with the antibacterial solution and place brushes in, head first. The solution should be replaced every other day.

For additional information, contact The Steri-Brush Company at (212) 745-0495 or visit