Dependable Source for Critical Information
When Hurricane Katrina hit, most people were glued to The Weather Channel, watching endless footage of downed trees and rushing water. The Board of Directors at the Organization for Safety & Asepsis Procedures (OSAP) saw something else: the need to get critical infection-control information to dental professionals in the Gulf Region. Suddenly, dentists whose only experience with OSAP was their seminars or booklets were going to the OSAP Web site for information on decontaminating water and preventing tetanus.
Since its inception in 1984, OSAP has conducted educational seminars on infection control and safety practices for tens of thousands of clinicians in the United States and other countries, developed educational materials and training tools, and participated with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in disseminating guidelines and practice recommendations. OSAP publishes informative articles in dental journals and has created an easy-to-understand guide to the CDC infection-control guidelines. OSAP even trains the trainers with the Infection Control Educator’s Tool Kit and through the Infection Control Boot Camp it co-sponsors with the U.S. Federal Services. In addition, OSAP maintains one of the best and most current Web sites in the dental industry. Updated daily, is brimming with information and resources on infection control and safety.
Fighting Infectious Disease Worldwide
Health-care workers and patients face an increasing number of infectious disease threats around the world. OSAP gives dental professionals the knowledge and the skills to protect themselves and their patients. The organization also provides essential resources to oral health-care missions and hosts an annual symposium that features internationally known experts.
Bookmark This
OSAP offers a daily news summary, “Newsflash,” on its Web site at The Newsflash feature provides an instant snapshot of the day’s news in an easy-to-scan list of timely articles related to infection control and safety. An OSAP members’ section contains online access to many OSAP publications as well as a variety of other features.
If Saliva Were Red
The saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” was never so true as in the case of “If Saliva Were Red,” an undeniably memorable videotape distributed by OSAP. Decades after they have seen this short film, people recall its impact. How better to teach dental professionals about the importance of maintaining asepsis?
One million dollars ... one million lives safer
Now, OSAP has kicked off an unprecedented fundraising campaign. The goal? Raising $1 million by year-end 2008.
These funds will allow OSAP to expand its programs, undertake new projects, and lead the way in helping dentistry address the rising threat from infectious disease. OSAP is seeking corporate and foundation support to help improve the health and safety of well over 1,000,000 people in the global dental community.
Donors will receive widespread recognition for their contributions. In addition, branding opportunities are available for specific projects, such as:
- An OSAP/WHO Infection Control Brochure for Developing Countries
- A Needlestick Kit (in English and Spanish) to be provided to U.S. dental educational programs
- An Infection Control and Safety Compliance Calendar
The “One million dollars ... one million lives safer” campaign will help OSAP continue its important work.
Make your donation now: call (800) 298-6727 or go to