Twist2it, Inc. launches the world`s first reciprocating, disposable prophy angle. The Twist™ is the clear choice. The Twist™ reciprocates 90° back and forth. It does not rotate, therefore it does not build up any heat, does not splatter any prophy paste, or sling any blood or saliva. The operator can safely use a contact method instead of ineffectively brushing along the tooth surface, for more efficient prophies in half the time. In addition, the Twist™ does not cut or tear soft tissue.
It is said to greatly increase patient comfort and acceptance, and make your hygienist a hero!
For special introductory offer or further information and samples of the Twist™, call your local dealer.
You can reach Twist2it, Inc. at (877) PROPHYS (776-7497); send an e-mail to [email protected]; or visit the company`s Web site at