Blues Clues Toothbrush and Toothpaste

Aug. 1, 1999
Oral-B Laboratories and Nickelodeon are empowering preschool-age dental patients by helping them to master the skill of brushing their teeth. With the new Oral-B Blue`s Clues toothbrush and Blue`s Berry Bubble toothpaste, dental professionals and parents have a new tool to aid preschoolers in developing healthy oral-care habits at an early age.

Oral-B Laboratories and Nickelodeon are empowering preschool-age dental patients by helping them to master the skill of brushing their teeth. With the new Oral-B Blue`s Clues toothbrush and Blue`s Berry Bubble toothpaste, dental professionals and parents have a new tool to aid preschoolers in developing healthy oral-care habits at an early age.

Oral-B Blue`s Clues products are designed for patients ages two and older. Featuring an oversized handle and a tapered brushhead, the Oral-B Blue`s Clues toothbrush is specially designed to fit the hand and mouth of a preschool patient. Each toothbrush features Blue with one of her friends - Tickety Tock, Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper, Slippery Soap or Mailbox, so that young Blue`s Clues fans can brush with their favorite characters. The packaging includes interactive games, puzzles, or a Blue`s Clues Brilliant Brusher Award Certificate, encouraging patients to brush their teeth.

For samples of the new Oral-B Blue`s Clues product line, professionals can call (800) 44-OralB or go to the Oral-B Web site at Professionals can order Oral-B Blue`s Clues products in late summer by calling (800) 44-OralB or contacting their authorized Oral-B dental distributor.