In a short film for Mainely Teeth, created by Findhelp Films, Amber Lombardi, IPDH, (pictured above with a pediatric patient) is featured in a new short documentary titled "Filling the Gaps." The documentary features what Amber and her team do and encourages others to follow in their caring and giving-back footsteps. You’ll even meet a few of their happy patients.
One of the 2021 Philips/RDH Heart to Hands Award winners, Amber founded Mainely Teeth in 2020 with her husband, Mike. They drive “miles for smiles” to bring oral health care to underserved populations out of their horse-trailer-turned-mobile-dental-clinic.
What began as an effort to reach patients during the pandemic, Mainely Teeth partners with other organizations throughout Maine to use their brick-and-mortar locations and provide oral care services in more than 80 locations.
Read Amber’s article in Dental Economics, where she explains, "We're essentially breaking down the four walls of a dental office. By doing so, we’re also breaking down barriers to care for families by meeting them where they are."
Enjoy the short documentary about Mainely Teeth from Findhelp Films. They want to let viewers know that this is a theatrical trailer for the full film, which is 32 minutes long and will be available online starting July 27 at