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Tell us: Has moral injury affected you?

April 20, 2020
To follow up to her article on moral injury, Ann-Marie DePalma is seeking your input.

In the March 2020 issue of RDH magazine, I penned an article on moral injury and how it affects dental hygienists. The response to the article was overwhelming, ranging from “a great conversation starter” to “that is what I have been experiencing all along.” With the unparalleled pandemic we find ourselves in, the concerns and issues discussed in the article have become more pronounced. With that, I would like to do a follow up article on moral injury and need your help. Please consider taking the short survey below. If you'd like for me to be able to reach out to you about your responses, please provide your name and email at the end of the survey. All responses will be anonymous in publication. Thank you, and I look forward to continuing this conversation.