Angie Pira 62a218d46f50d

Helping other hygienists develop a love of dental lasers

June 9, 2022
Angie Wallace knew immediately the important role that dental lasers would play for hygienists. She immersed herself into learning about them, and shares that knowledge with her peers.
Jackie Sanders, MBA, RDH, Chief editor, RDH magazine

Each week the RDH PIRA (Patient Impact & Rise Above) recognition program, sponsored by Water Pik, Inc., features a dental hygiene clinician who excels in their role and goes the extra mile in their job. The past two years have been a challenge for many clinicians and as we return to the operatory, we want to acknowledge those providing patient care—clinicians who are changing their patients’ lives, influencing their patients’ health, and making a daily difference. This week we honor Angie Wallace, RDH.

From Angie’s submission

“I was introduced to dental lasers in 2000, and even then, I knew that lasers would become state-of-the-art technology. I invested in my career and became involved with the Academy of Laser Dentistry (ALD). I took their standard proficiency courses, and continued my journey by completing their advanced proficiency, which only about 25 hygienists in the world have obtained. I knew that this was something others needed to learn.

“I had an opportunity to take ALD's education course, and currently I’m the only hygienist who holds this status with them. I have been providing laser certification courses for almost 25 years and I still practice clinically using my skills three to four days per week. I travel and provide education for others most weekends. You will often hear me saying, "I would quit dental hygiene if I didn’t have my laser," and I love helping others feel the same way! I serve on several ALD committees—education chair, regulatory affairs (working with states on dental hygiene laser use), and the auxiliary committee for the ALD Board of Directors. I also help State Boards determine wording for the rules and regulations about lasers. I just love being a resource for hygienists about lasers and helping them advance their careers.”

More PIRA honorees

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Inspiring future dental pros through kindness

More about this week’s honoree

Angie has been a clinical hygienist for more than 30 years. She is the only dental hygienist with ALD to have her educator status. She received her ALD recognized course provider in 2007 and her mastership with ALD in 2008. She was the recipient of the 2014 John G. Sulewski Distinguished Service Award from the ALD and has been recognized as a worldwide speaker. She has a published book about dental hygiene and lasers. Angie is an in-office laser consultant with ALD and several laser companies, and she has her own laser education company, Laser Hygiene LLC. She can be reached at [email protected].

About the Author

Jackie Sanders, MBA, RDH | Chief editor, RDH magazine

Jackie Sanders, MBA, RDH, has over four decades of continual career development and experience in dentistry. As the chief editor of RDH magazine, she strives to remain a proactive personality in the continual advancement of the profession. She has been defined as a motivated trendsetter and dependable colleague and is inspired by her true passion of helping others to achieve their personal goals.