Offer respect, but not title

June 1, 1996
I am not in favor of preceptorship. While I believe that those hygienists who have successfully gone through a preceptorship program should be recognized with a certain amount of respect, I also believe that they should have a title other than "RDH," which has traditionally referred to a registered dental hygienist who has successfully completed a college degree progam as well as national and state or regional board exams.

Dear RDH:

I am a registered dental hygienist with an associate of science degree in dental hygiene.

I am not in favor of preceptorship. While I believe that those hygienists who have successfully gone through a preceptorship program should be recognized with a certain amount of respect, I also believe that they should have a title other than "RDH," which has traditionally referred to a registered dental hygienist who has successfully completed a college degree progam as well as national and state or regional board exams.

It is misleading the patient to use the same title, and I believe that it is the patient`s right to know that the hygienist treating him or her is preceptorship-trained.

Prudence M. Sanchez, RDH

Denton, Texas