According to Salary and Benefits Survey, readers are pretty content.
Ms. Happy`s face appears many times in this article, and that`s a good thing. Her face indicates hygienists are "very satisfied" about what they do for a living. Ms. Happy, for example, appears most frequently when we calculated how each state`s readers feel about their career choice.
The bottom line confirms that most hygienists are indeed very happy to call themselves hygienists.
Ms. Content, you could argue, doesn`t look very content. After all, the definition of content is "happy with one`s lot in life." But Ms. Content poses that way simply because readers had three choices in rating their satisfaction with various aspects of their careers - very satisfied, content, and very unsatisfied.
Ms. Content`s face appears more often than the other two in this article, meaning most readers couldn`t decide on the other two extremes. So we settled for a pose that`s somewhat ambivalent and thoughtful. We still think Ms. Content`s appearance is a good sign. At least, she`s not unhappy.
Whew! Do we need to explain Ms. Itstinks? The best thing we can say about her is that she doesn`t show up very much - usually when we asked about benefits.
The three faces appear in charts next to the 30 states that sent us 20 or more responses to the questionnaire that was published in the May 2000 issue. "America`s tempera-tures" below reveal that, if you encounter five hy-gienists on the street any-where in the United States and ask them about benefits, 11U2 of them would be very sa-tisfied, 21U2 of them would be content, and one would be very unsatisfied.
Or you could double it for a group of 10 - three very satisfied, five content, and two very unsatisfied. But if you go to that trouble, we`ll just think you have more time on your hands than we do.
The definitions of "in-come" and "benefits" should be self-explanatory. To clarify "work environment," we asked readers to rate their "satisfaction level with the workplace environment and management policies esta-blished by your em-ployer." To clarify "career choice," we asked readers to rate their "satisfaction level with your decision to pursue a career in dental hygiene."
A state-by-state break-down of the survey`s results follows on the subsequent pages.
Some final observations about the overall results include:
Y 2,100 readers participated in the survey. California led the way with 158 responses.
Y 20 male hygienists participated.
Y A quarter of the respondents has been practicing dental hygiene for more than 25 years.
Y Four percent work for government or public health agencies. Six percent work for specialists.
Y A quarter of the responding readers collect paychecks from more than one dental practice.
Y 39 percent work part-time (under 30 hours a week).
Y Add up all 50 states, and the average annual income for an American hygienist is $39,770.
Y According to the survey, 18 percent of American hygienists earn more than $50,000 a year.
Y 77 percent earn income through an hourly rate, as opposed to a daily rate. The average hourly rate in the United States is $26 an hour. The average daily rate is $220.
Y 74 percent have paid vacation days.
Y 66 percent are paid when the office is closed for official holidays.
Y Employers provide health insurance to 35 percent and pension plans (including 401[k] plans) to 49 percent.
Y Eight hygienists indicated they are self-employed. All are female, and the average annual income for this group is $25,950. The highest was $52,000.
Finally, 1,274 readers were Ms. Happy about their career choice. Ms. Itstinks was the choice of 533 readers while thinking about benefits, and 1,261 readers were Ms. Content about their income.
Ms. Happy
Ms. Content
Ms. Itstinks
Who responded: 21 readers, all female. Seven have been licensed for less than five years; nine have been licensed for more than 16 years. Twenty work for just one dental practice, and 16 work at least 31 hours a week.
Total income: The average income is $29,500. Six readers reported income higher than $30,000.
Hourly rate: The average hourly rate is $16; $22 an hour was the highest; $11 an hour was the lowest. Five of the 12 readers reporting hourly rates earn less than $15.
Daily rate: Five readers reported an average daily rate of $148.
Commissions: 16 indicated that they do not earn commissions. Two indicated that they earn under 29 percent in commissions, and two said their entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Nineteen readers said they receive paid vacation, and 20 said they earn paid holidays. Twelve said they were on an employer-provided pension plan or 401(k) program. Only six receive health insurance, and five said they participate in a profit-sharing program.
Who responded: Eight readers, all female. Six have been licensed for 21 to 25 years. Five are employed at one practice, while two readers work at two offices. Six work at least 31 hours a week, while two others indicated they practice 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average income is $57,500. Six of the eight readers earn more than $50,000 a year. Only one earned less than $30,000.
Hourly rate: Four of the readers said their hourly rate was in excess of $32.
Commissions: Five readers do not produce any income based on commissions, while the other three said all earnings are based on commissions.
Benefits: Three of the eight receive paid vacations, and two said they have paid holidays. Five participate in a pension or 401(k) plan provided by employers, while only three obtain health insurance from employers.
Who responded: Sixty readers, which included one male. Twenty-three readers have practiced for less than 10 years, while 26 have practiced for 21 years or more. Forty-seven (78 percent) work in one office, while 13 work in two or more offices. Thirty-eight (63 percent) indicate they work between 31 to 40 hours each week.
Total income: The average annual income is $50,033. Twenty-two (37 percent) said they earn more than $55,000 a year. Another 25 readers (42 percent) indicated earning within the income range of $35,000 to $55,000.
Hourly rate: Forty respondents said their income is based on a hourly rate. The average rate is $33 an hour, and the highest rate reported is $38 an hour.
Daily rate: The average daily rate is $243. Eleven of the 14 readers earn at least $236 a day.
Commissions: Most (73 percent) do not earn commissions. Six of the readers indicated their entire income is based on commissions. Seven readers (12 percent) said they earned under 29 percent of income in commissions.
Benefits: Thirty-three percent listed paid vacations as a benefit, and 24 percent enjoy paid holidays. Twenty-one percent participate in a pension plan or 401(k) program, and only 14 of the 60 readers receive health insurance from employers.
Who responded: 13 readers, all female. Eight have been licensed for six to 15 years. Nine work in one practice, and the other four work out of two offices. Ten of the 13 work at least 31 hours a week.
Total income: The average income is $36,000 a year. The highest annual income reported is $62,000. Four of the hygienists responding earn less than $30,000 a year, while four others earn more than $55,000.
Hourly rate: The three readers who reported hourly rates indicate a range of between $20 to $24 an hour.
Daily rate: The four daily rates reported ranged from $150 to $275 a day, resulting in an average of $205.
Commissions: Six of the 13 readers derive at least part of their income from comissions.
Benefits: Nine of the 13 receive paid vacations and participate in a pension or 401(k) plan. Eight have paid holidays, and four receive health insurance from employers.
Who responded: 157 readers, including two males. Twenty-three percent have been licensed for less than five years, and 30 percent have been practicing for more than 25 years. Fifty-six percent work in just one office; 31 percent are employed by two practices; 9 percent work in three offices; and 4 percent work in four or more offices. Sixty-four percent work between 21 and 35 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $51,875, and the highest reported is $95,000. Forty-one percent earn more than $55,000 a year, and 22 percent earn between $45,000 and $55,000.
Hourly rate: Forty-six readers said they are paid by an hourly rate, which ranged from $25 to $50 an hour for an average of $37 an hour; 87 percent are paid more than $32 an hour.
Daily rate: Ninety-six readers (61 percent) said their income was based on a daily rate, which ranged from $130 to $450 a day for an average of $300. Fifty-four percent said the daily rate they earned was between $250 and $300.
Commissions: Twenty-three percent earn at least some of their income through commissions, and 7 percent indicated their entire income is based on commissions. Eleven percent said under 29 percent of income is derived through commissions.
Benefits: Fifty-five percent receive paid vacations, and 46 percent get paid holidays. Thirty-one percent participate in an employer-provided pension or 401(k) program, and 22 percent receive health insurance from their employers.
Who responded: 49 readers, including one male. Forty-three percent have practiced for more than 20 years; 37 percent have been licensed for less than 10 years. Seventy-one percent practice in one office, while 22 percent work for two practices. Sixty-seven percent work between 21 and 35 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $45,000. Thirty-five percent indicated they earn between $40,000 and $50,000; 29 percent said they earn more than $50,000.
Hourly rate: Thirty-eight readers (84 percent) said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $21 an hour to a high of $40 an hour. Sixty-three percent indicated they are paid an hourly rate of at least $28.
Daily rate: The average of the seven readers reporting daily rates is $245. The highest rate reported was $300.
Commissions: Only 14 percent indicated they earn commissions, and just one reader said his or her entire income was based on commissions.
Benefits: Seventy-four percent have paid vacations, and 69 percent enjoy paid holidays. Forty-five percent participate in a pension or 401(k) program, while 43 percent receive health insurance from employers.
Who responded: 40 readers, all female. Forty-three percent have practiced for more than 20 years; another 43 percent have been licensed for six to 15 years. Sixty percent practice in one office, while 30 percent work for two practices. Twelve of the readers work 21 to 30 hours a week; 10 work 31 to 35 hours a week; and 10 work 36 to 40 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $38,500. Thirty-three percent indicated they earn less than $30,000, while 53 percent said they earn more than $35,000.
Hourly rate: Thirty-five readers (95 percent) said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $20 an hour to a high of $32 an hour. Sixty-three percent indicated they are paid somewhere in the range of $26 to $29 an hour.
Daily rate: Two readers reported earnings based on daily rates. One was for $90 a day, while the other one earned $200 a day.
Commissions: Only one reader indicated that part of her income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Seventy-five percent have paid vacations, and 65 percent enjoy paid holidays. Forty-three percent participate in a pension or 401(k) program, while 28 percent receive health insurance from employers.
Who responded: Seven readers, all female. Five of the seven have practiced for more than 21 years. Four practice in one office, while two work for three practices. The other works in two offices. Three of the readers work 31 to 35 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $40,000. The highest annual income reported was $50,000. Three of the readers said their annual income fell into the $45,000 to $50,000 range, and three others indicated their income was between $35,000 and $40,000.
Hourly rate: All seven said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $16 an hour to a high of $30 an hour.
Commissions: Only one of the readers reported earning any commissions.
Benefits: Six of the readers have paid vacations, paid holidays, and participate in a pension or 401(k) program. Three said they receive health insurance.
District of Columbia
Who responded: Five readers, all female. Three have been licensed for under 10 years, while the other two have been licensed for more than 21 years. Two practice in one office, while the other three work for two practices.
Total income: The average annual income is $54,250. The highest annual income reported was $66,000.
Hourly rate: Two of the readers said they are paid according to an hourly rate. One earns $35 an hour, and the other earns $38 an hour.
Daily rate: Two readers reported earnings based on daily rates. One earns $175 a day, while the other one earns $300 a day.
Commissions: Two of the five earn at least part of their income through commissions.
Benefits: Two of the readers have paid vacations, paid holidays, and health insurance. Three readers participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 109 readers, all female. Thirty-one percent have practiced for more than 25 years. Eighty-one percent practice in one office, while 15 percent work for two practices. Thirty-six percent work 31 to 35 hours a week, and 31 percent work 36 to 40 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $39,760. Twenty-three percent indicate they earn between $35,000 and $40,000; 17 percent said they earn between $40,000 and $45,000; 16 percent said they earn between $20,000 and $30,000; and 16 percent said they earn between $45,000 and $50,000.
Hourly rate: Forty-seven percent said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $14 an hour to a high of $29 an hour. Sixty-seven percent of the "hourly" hygienists are paid between $22 and $25 an hour.
Daily rate: Fifty-three percent said they are paid according to a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $125 to a high of $300. Forty-one percent of the "daily" hygienists are paid between $170 and $200.
Commissions: Twenty-three percent indicated that at least part of their income is based on commissions, and eight readers said their entire income is derived through commissions.
Benefits: Sixty-nine percent have paid vacations, 65 percent enjoy paid holidays, and 44 percent receive health insurance. Thirty-seven percent participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 64 readers, all female. Fifty percent have practiced for more than 15 years; 42 percent have been licensed for fewer than 10 years. Ninety-one percent are employed by one practice. Thirty-one percent work 31 to 35 hours a week, and 23 percent work 12 to 20 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $37,000. Thirty-one percent indicate they earn between $35,000 and $40,000; 34 percent said they earn less than $30,000.
Hourly rate: Fifty-five percent said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $7 an hour to a high of $33 an hour. Twenty-three percent are paid $24 to $25 an hour; 19 percent are paid $19 to $21 an hour; and 16 percent are paid $30 to $31 an hour.
Daily rate: Forty-five percent said they are paid according to a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $100 to a high of $300. Six of the readers earn a daily rate of $150 to $170, while another six said they earn $200 to $215 a day.
Commissions: Thirty-one percent indicated that at least part of their income is based on commissions, and five readers said their entire income is derived through commissions.
Benefits: Sixty-nine percent have paid vacations, 55 percent enjoy paid holidays, and 27 percent receive health insurance. Forty-five percent participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: Two female readers. Both have been licensed for more than 20 years. One works in a single practice, while the other one works for two offices. They both work in excess of 31 hours a week.
Total income: One earns $30,000 a year, while the other one earns $40,000 a year.
Hourly rate: Both readers said they are paid according to an hourly rate. One earns $14 an hour, while the other earns $28 an hour.
Commissions: Neither one earns commissions.
Benefits: Both of the readers have paid vacations, paid holidays, and health insurance. One is provided a pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 13 readers, all female. Six have been licensed for six to 15 years; four have practiced for more than 25 years. Ten work for a single practice, while two others are employed at two offices. Seven work between 31 and 35 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $39,220. The highest income reported was $55,000 a year. Four of the readers report their income is in the $35,000 to $40,000 range.
Hourly rate: Nine readers said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $22 an hour to a high of $35 an hour. Seven said their hourly rate ranges from $22 to $29.
Daily rate: Two of the readers said their income is based on a daily rate. One was for $214 a day, while the other one quoted a rate of $240.
Commissions: Only two of the readers report deriving part of their income from commissions.
Benefits: Eight of the readers receive paid vacations, and five have paid holidays. Four earn employer-provided health insurance, and six participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 95 readers, all female. The responses came from all experience levels; the highest percentage was 20 percent from hygienists who have been practicing six to 10 years. Seventy percent are employed by one practice, and 24 percent work for two offices. Fifty-one percent work 31 to 40 hours a week, and 19 percent work 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $39,125. Thirty-eight percent indicate they earn between $35,000 and $50,000 a year; 12 percent said they earn more than $55,000 annually.
Hourly rate: Ninety-four percent said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $14 an hour to a high of $52 an hour. Forty-eight percent are paid $24 to $27 an hour. A total of 10 readers said they earn more than $32 an hour.
Daily rate: Five readers (6 percent) said they are paid according to a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $120 to a high of $168. Four of the readers earn a daily rate within the range of $150 to $168.
Commissions: Ninety percent indicate they do not earn commissions; only three readers said that their entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Seventy-three percent have paid vacations, 62 percent enjoy paid holidays, and 30 percent receive health insurance. Forty-seven percent participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 44 readers, all female. Forty-eight percent have been licensed for fewer than 10 years; 30 percent have been practicing for more than 21 years. Seventy percent are employed by one practice, and 21 percent work for two offices. Sixty-four percent work 21 to 35 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $38,000. Fifty-eight percent said they earn between $35,000 and $50,000 a year; 28 percent said they earn less than $30,000 annually.
Hourly rate: Eighty-seven percent said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $16 an hour to a high of $33 an hour. Sixty-eight percent are paid $19 to $25 an hour.
Daily rate: Five readers (14 percent) said they are paid according to a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $158 to a high of $254.
Commissions: Twenty-three percent indicate that at least part of their income is based on commissions, and four readers said their entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Eighty-two percent have paid vacations, 68 percent enjoy paid holidays, and 21 percent receive health insurance. Fifty percent participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 26 readers, all female. Sixteen of the readers have been practicing for more than 15 years. Twenty-three readers are employed by one practice, as opposed to multiple practices, and 15 work 30 to 40 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $37,500. Ten readers said they earn between $35,000 and $45,000 a year; eight said they earn less than $30,000 annually.
Hourly rate: Nineteen readers said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $20 an hour to a high of $26 an hour. Eight are paid $24 to $25 an hour.
Daily rate: Two readers said they are paid according to a daily rate. One receives $140 a day, while the other one earns $150.
Commissions: Four readers indicate that at least part of their income is based on commissions, and three said their entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Twenty-one readers have paid vacations, 16 enjoy paid holidays, and eight receive health insurance. Fifteen participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 24 readers, including one male. Fourteen of the readers have been licensed for six to 20 years. Twenty-two readers work in one office, as opposed to multiple practices, and 18 work more than 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $39,875. Eight readers said they earn between $32,000 and $40,000 a year; five said they earn between $20,000 and $30,000 annually. Ten said they earn in excess of $40,000 a year.
Hourly rate: Fourteen readers (67 percent) said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $16 an hour to a high of $35 an hour. Nine of the 14 readers are paid $22 to $27 an hour.
Daily rate: Seven readers said they are paid according to a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $191 to a high of $245. Three of the seven are paid in the $185 to $200 range.
Commissions: Seven readers (29 percent) indicate that at least part of their income is based on commissions, and two said their entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Twenty readers have paid vacations, 19 enjoy paid holidays, and seven receive health insurance. Fifteen participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 17 readers, all female. Eight have been licensed for less than 10 years, and seven have been licensed for 16 to 25 years. Fourteen work in a single practice, as opposed to multiple offices. Eight work 36 to 40 hours a week, and five work 31 to 35 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $35,500. The highest income reported was $50,000 a year. Eight of the readers report their income is in the $32,000 to $40,000 range.
Hourly rate: Fifteen readers said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $17 an hour to a high of $25 an hour.
Commissions: Three of the readers report deriving income from commissions; just one reader indicated that her entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Fourteen of the readers receive paid vacations and paid holidays. Eleven receive health insurance, and 10 participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 20 readers, all female. Six have been licensed for fewer than five years, and 10 have been practicing for more than 15 years. Sixteen readers work in one office, as opposed to multiple practices, and 16 work 31 to 40 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $41,500. Eleven readers said they earn between $40,000 and $55,000 a year; four said they earn between $32,000 and $35,000 annually.
Hourly rate: Five readers (29 percent) said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $14 an hour to a high of $30 an hour. Three readers are paid in the $24 to $25 range.
Daily rate: Twelve readers (71 percent) said they are paid according to a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $150 to a high of $250. Seven are paid in the $185 to $200 range.
Commissions: Two readers indicated that at least part of their income is based on commissions, and one said her entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Eleven readers have paid vacations, 14 enjoy paid holidays, and seven receive health insurance. Seven also participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 24 readers, all female. Thirteen have been licensed for fewer than five years, and eight have been practicing for more than 20 years. Twenty readers work in one office, and four work in two offices. Seventeen work 31 to 40 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $39,900. Thirteen readers said they earn between $35,000 and $45,000 a year.
Hourly rate: Twenty readers said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $18 an hour to a high of $26 an hour. Thirteen readers are paid in the $19 to $23 range.
Commissions: Four readers indicated that at least part of their income is based on commissions, and one said her entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Twenty-one readers have paid vacations, 20 enjoy paid holidays, and 11 receive health insurance. Seventeen also participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 25 readers, all female. Nineteen have been licensed for more than 10 years. Twenty readers work in one office, and five work in two offices. Twelve work 31 to 40 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $39,950. Seven readers said they earn between $20,000 and $30,000 a year, and seven others said they earn between $40,000 and $50,000 annually.
Hourly rate: Fourteen readers (64 percent) said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $25 an hour to a high of $35 an hour. Five are paid $25 an hour, and four are paid $30 to $31 an hour.
Daily rate: Eight readers (36 percent) said they are paid according to a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $120 to a high of $250. Four are paid in the $215 to $235 range.
Commissions: Two of the three readers who said they earn commissions indicated their entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Twenty-one readers have paid vacations, 17 enjoy paid holidays, and nine receive health insurance. Eleven also participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 78 readers, including one male. Forty-seven percent have been practicing for more than 20 years, and 17 percent have been licensed for fewer than five years. Seventy-eight percent are employed by one practice, and 17 percent work for two offices. Fifty-six percent work 21 to 35 hours a week, and 18 percent work 36 to 40 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $40,500. Forty-nine percent indicate they earn between $35,000 and $50,000 a year; 18 percent said they earn between $20,000 and $30,000 annually.
Hourly rate: Ninety-seven percent said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $20 an hour to a high of $46 an hour. Fifty-four percent are paid $24 to $27 an hour.
Daily rate: Two readers said they are paid according to a daily rate. One earns $100 a day, while the other reported a rate of $300.
Commissions: Of the 12 readers (15 percent) who earn at least part of their income from commissions, six said that their entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Eighty-six percent have paid vacations, 77 percent enjoy paid holidays, and 32 percent receive health insurance. Fifty-four percent participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 108 readers, all female. Forty-two percent have been practicing for fewer than 10 years, and 24 percent have been licensed for more than 25 years. Seventy-eight percent are employed by one practice, and 18 percent work for two offices. Thirty-two percent work 31 to 35 hours a week, and 28 percent work 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $34,980. Thirty-four percent indicate they earn between $35,000 and $45,000 a year; 41 percent said they earn less than $30,000 annually.
Hourly rate: Ninety-four percent said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $18 an hour to a high of $31 an hour. Thirty-six percent are paid in the $19 to $23 range; 31 percent are paid $24 to $25; and 18 percent are paid $26 to $27.
Daily rate: Six readers said they are paid according to a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $127 to a high of $200. Three of the readers are paid in the $186 to $200 a day range.
Commissions: Fifteen percent earn at least part of their income from commissions, and three readers said that their entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Seventy-nine percent have paid vacations, 69 percent enjoy paid holidays, and 31 percent receive health insurance. Forty-four percent participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 43 readers, all female. Thirty-seven percent have been licensed for fewer than 10 years, and 42 percent have been practicing for more than 20 years. Eighty-six percent are employed by one practice, and 14 percent work for two offices. Forty percent work 31 to 35 hours a week, and 26 percent work 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $40,125. Twenty-four percent earn more than $50,000 annually; 22 percent indicate they earn between $20,000 and $30,000; 20 percent said they earn between $35,000 and $40,000; and 17 percent said they earn between $45,000 and $50,000 a year.
Hourly rate: Ninety-five percent said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $19 an hour to a high of $34 an hour. Thirty percent are paid in the $26 to $27 range; 24 percent are paid $28 to $29; and 14 percent are paid $19 to $21.
Daily rate: Two readers said they are paid according to a daily rate. One earns $106 a day, while the other one nets $264 a day.
Commissions: Four readers earn at least part of their income from commissions, and one reader said that her entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Ninety-one percent have paid vacations, 86 percent enjoy paid holidays, and 42 percent receive health insurance. Sixty-five percent participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: Seven readers, all female. Three have been licensed for less than five years, and three have been licensed for more than 20 years. All of them work in a single practice, as opposed to multiple offices. Three work 21 to 30 hours a week, and three work 36 to 40 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $28,000. The highest income reported was $55,000 a year. Four of the readers report their income is in the $20,000 to $30,000 range.
Hourly rate: One reader reported an hourly rate of $20.
Daily rate: Three readers indicated they are paid according to a daily rate. The three rates were $140, $150, and $175 a day.
Commissions: Three of the readers report deriving their entire income from commissions.
Benefits: Five of the readers receive paid vacations and paid holidays. One receives health insurance, and two participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 37 readers, including one male. Seventeen of the readers have been practicing for more than 20 years, and 12 have been licensed for 11 to 20 years. Twenty-nine are employed by one practice, as opposed to multiple practices, and five work for two offices. Nineteen work 31 to 40 hours a week, and nine work 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $35,040. Thirteen readers earn under $30,000, and 12 earn between $40,000 and $50,000 a year.
Hourly rate: Twenty-six readers (74 percent) said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $15 an hour to a high of $32 an hour. Twelve are paid in the $24 to $25 range, and five are paid $22 to $23 an hour.
Daily rate: Nine readers (26 percent) said they are paid according to a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $160 to a high of $200. Five are paid in the $185 to $200 range.
Commissions: Three readers indicated that at least part of their income is derived from commissions.
Benefits: Seventy-eight percent have paid vacations, 68 percent enjoy paid holidays, and 41 percent receive health insurance. Forty-three percent participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: Seven readers, all female. Three have practiced for more than 25 years. Six readers work for one office, as opposed to multiple practices. Two work 36 to 40 hours a week, and two others work 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $33,000. The highest income reported was $56,000 a year.
Hourly rate: All seven earn their income based on an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $23 an hour to a high of $32 an hour. Three readers are paid in the $26 to $27 range.
Commissions: Only one of the readers derives part of her income from commissions.
Benefits: Six of the readers receive paid vacations, and four have paid holidays. Two receive health insurance, and four participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: Nine readers, all female. Four have practiced for six to 10 years, and four have practiced for more than 20 years. Seven readers work for one office, as opposed to multiple practices. Four work 31 to 35 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $38,000. The highest income reported was $63,000 a year. Five readers said they earn between $32,000 and $45,000 a year.
Hourly rate: Five readers earn their income based on an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $23 an hour to a high of $30 an hour.
Daily rate: Three readers earn their income based on a daily rate. The rates reported are $110, $165, and $209.
Commissions: Two of the readers derive part of their incomes from commissions.
Benefits: Six of the readers receive paid vacations and paid holidays. One receives health insurance, and seven participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: Eleven readers, all female. Five have been licensed for less than 10 years, and four have practiced for more than 25 years. All 11 readers work for just one office, as opposed to multiple practices. Seven work 31 to 40 hours a week, and three work 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $60,000. The highest income reported was $80,000 a year. Six of the readers earn more than $55,000 a year.
Hourly rate: Three readers earn their income based on an hourly rate. The rates reported are $30, $34, and $37.
Daily rate: Five readers earn their income based on a daily rate, ranging from $300 to $320 a day.
Commissions: Two of the readers derive their entire income from commissions.
Benefits: Six of the readers receive paid vacations and paid holidays. All 11 receive health insurance, and five participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
New Hampshire
Who responded: Nine readers, all female. Four have practiced for six to 15 years. Seven readers work for just one office, as opposed to multiple practices. Five work 31 to 40 hours a week, and three work 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $36,000. The highest income reported was $49,500 a year.
Hourly rate: Eight readers earn their income based on an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $23 to a high of $27. Four readers said their hourly rate was between $24 and $25.
Commissions: One reader derives her entire income from commissions.
Benefits: Four of the readers receive paid vacations, and three have paid holidays. One receives health insurance, and four participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
New Jersey
Who responded: 73 readers, all female. Thirty-three percent have been practicing for more than 25 years, and 30 percent have practiced for 16 to 25 years. Seventy percent are employed by one practice, and 21 percent work for two offices. Fifty-two percent work 31 to 40 hours a week, and 23 percent work 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $43,040. Twenty-one percent indicate they earn between $20,000 and $30,000; 17 percent said they earn between $35,000 and $40,000; 16 percent said they earn between $50,000 and $55,000.
Hourly rate: Ninety-three percent said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $21 an hour to a high of $34 an hour. Thirty-four percent are paid in the $28 to $29 range; 30 percent are paid $30 to $31; and 15 percent are paid $26 to $27.
Daily rate: Four readers said they are paid according to a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $100 to a high of $241.
Commissions: Three readers earn at least part of their income from commissions, and one reader said that her entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Eighty-one percent have paid vacations, 71 percent enjoy paid holidays, and 34 percent receive health insurance. Thirty-six percent participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
New Mexico
Who responded: 14 readers, all female. Eight have practiced for more than 20 years, and the remaining six have practiced for less than 15 years. Twelve readers work for one office, as opposed to multiple practices. Six work 21 to 30 hours a week, while four work 36 to 40 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $39,250. The highest income reported was $77,000 a year. Seven readers said they earn between $35,000 and $45,000 a year.
Hourly rate: Five readers earn their income based on an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $20 an hour to a high of $45 an hour.
Daily rate: Six readers earn their income based on a daily rate, which ranged from $200 to $245 a day.
Commissions: Only one reader derives part of her income from commissions.
Benefits: Eleven of the readers receive paid vacations and 10 have paid holidays. Five receive health insurance, and seven participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
New York
Who responded: 149 readers, including two males. Sixty percent have been practicing for more than 20 years, and 14 percent have been licensed for less than five years. Seventy-one percent are employed by one practice, and 22 percent work for two offices. Thirty-one percent work 31 to 35 hours a week, and 28 percent work 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $32,500. Forty percent said they earn less than $30,000; 20 percent said they earn between $35,000 and $40,000.
Hourly rate: Ninety-six percent said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $9 an hour to a high of $50 an hour. Twenty-seven percent are paid in the $19 to $21 range; 16 percent are paid $15 to $18; and 15 percent are paid $26 to $27.
Daily rate: Five readers said they are paid according to a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $160 to a high of $250. Three earn between $235 to $250.
Commissions: Fourteen readers (9 percent) earn at least part of their income from commissions, and four readers said that their entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Seventy-four percent have paid vacations, 66 percent enjoy paid holidays, and 28 percent receive health insurance. Fifty-two percent participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
North Carolina
Who responded: 68 readers, including one male. Twenty-nine percent have been practicing for six to 10 years, and 18 percent have been licensed for less than five years. Eighty-eight percent are employed by one practice, and 8 percent work for two offices. Fifty percent work 31 to 35 hours a week, and 24 percent work 36 to 40 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $39,975. Twenty-seven percent said they earn between $40,000 and $45,000; 21 percent said they earn between $35,000 and $40,000.
Hourly rate: Fifty-five percent said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $19 an hour to a high of $31 an hour. Thirty-two percent are paid in the $26 to $27 range; 21 percent are paid $24 to $25; and 18 percent are paid $22 to $23.
Daily rate: Forty-five percent said they are paid according to a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $110 to a high of $240. Twenty-nine percent said they earn a daily rate in the range of $150 to $170; 25 percent said their range is $185 to $200.
Commissions: Seven readers earn at least part of their income from commissions, and two readers said that their entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Eighty-five percent have paid vacations, 79 percent enjoy paid holidays, and 44 percent receive health insurance. Fifty percent participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
North Dakota
Who responded: Eleven readers, all female. All but one have practiced for at least six years. Nine readers work for one office, as opposed to multiple practices. Six work 21 to 30 hours a week, while four work 31 to 35 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $26,100. The highest income reported was $40,000 a year. Six readers said they earn less than $30,000 a year.
Hourly rate: Ten readers earn their income based on an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $18 an hour to a high of $24 an hour. Seven of the rates reported are between $22 and $24.
Commissions: Two readers derive part of their income from commissions.
Benefits: Ten of the readers receive paid vacations and five have paid holidays. Three receive health insurance, and eight participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 98 readers, all female. Forty percent have been practicing for fewer than 10 years, and 22 percent have been practicing for more than 25 years. Seventy percent are employed by one practice, and 23 percent work for two offices. Thirty-seven percent work 31 to 35 hours a week; 22 percent work 21 to 30 hours a week; and 22 percent work 36 to 40 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $35,975. Twenty-four percent said they earn between $35,000 and $40,000, and 22 percent said they earn between $20,000 and $30,000.
Hourly rate: Eighty-seven percent said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $17 an hour to a high of $36 an hour. Thirty-three percent are paid in the $24 to $25 range; 21 percent are paid $22 to $23; and 21 percent are paid $19 to $21.
Daily rate: Twelve readers said they are paid according to a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $130 to a high of $264. Five said they earn between $150 and $170 a day.
Commissions: Twelve readers (12 percent) earn at least part of their income from commissions, and three readers said that their entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Seventy-six percent have paid vacations, 66 percent enjoy paid holidays, and 36 percent receive health insurance. Fifty-nine percent participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 20 readers, all female. Eleven of the readers have been licensed for fewer than 10 years, and four have practiced for more than 25 years. Eighteen are employed by one practice, as opposed to multiple practices. Eleven work 31 to 40 hours a week, and seven work 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $42,500. Six readers earn more than $55,000, and five earn between $32,000 and $40,000 a year.
Hourly rate: Five readers said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $19 an hour to a high of $30 an hour.
Daily rate: Eight readers said they are paid according to a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $200 to a high of $250.
Commissions: Six readers (30 percent) indicated that at least part of their income is derived from commissions, and four said their entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Ten readers have paid vacations, and nine enjoy paid holidays. Six receive health insurance, and eight participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 31 readers, including one male. Nine of the readers have been practicing for 16 to 20 years, and seven have practiced for more than 25 years. Twenty-four are employed by one practice, as opposed to multiple practices. Fourteen work 31 to 40 hours a week, and nine work 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $40,040. Eight readers earn less than $30,000, and nine earn more than $50,000. Six earn between $35,000 and $40,000.
Hourly rate: Twenty-seven readers (90 percent) said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $19 an hour to a high of $33 an hour. Six are paid in the $28 to $29 range, and nine are paid in the $30 to $31 range.
Daily rate: Three readers said they are paid according to a daily rate. The three rates reported were $210, $260, and $270.
Commissions: Two readers indicated that at least part of their income is derived from commissions.
Benefits: Twenty-four readers have paid vacations, and 22 enjoy paid holidays. Sixteen receive health insurance, and 18 participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 112 readers, including four males. Forty-one percent have been licensed for fewer than 10 years, and 33 percent have been practicing for more than 20 years. Sixty-nine percent are employed by one practice, and 24 percent work for two offices. Fifty-one percent work 31 to 40 hours a week, and 20 percent work 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $34,990. Thirty-nine percent said they earn less than $30,000, 18 percent said they earn between $35,000 and $40,000, and 15 percent said they earn between $40,000 and $45,000.
Hourly rate: Ninety-four percent said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $12 an hour to a high of $33 an hour. Twenty-eight percent are paid in the $19 to $21 range, and another 28 percent are paid $24 to $27.
Daily rate: Six readers said they are paid according to a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $116 to a high of $210.
Commissions: Twenty readers (18 percent) earn at least part of their income from commissions, and three readers said that their entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Seventy-six percent have paid vacations, 69 percent enjoy paid holidays, and 46 percent receive health insurance. Forty percent participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Rhode Island
Who responded: 16 readers, all female. Eleven have practiced for fewer than 15 years, and five have practiced for more than 20 years. Eleven readers work for one office, as opposed to multiple practices. Twelve work 31 to 40 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $41,500. The highest income reported was $52,000 a year. Seven readers said they earn between $40,000 and $45,000, and three earn between $35,000 and $40,000.
Hourly rate: Fourteen readers earn their income based on an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $21 an hour to a high of $27 an hour. Nine of the rates reported were between $22 and $23.
Commissions: One reader derives part of her income from commissions.
Benefits: Fifteen of the readers receive paid vacations and paid holidays. Ten receive health insurance, and six participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
South Carolina
Who responded: 15 readers, all female. Ten have practiced for fewer than 15 years, and five have practiced for more than 20 years. Thirteen readers work for one office, as opposed to multiple practices. Ten work 31 to 40 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $37,700. The highest income reported was $55,000 a year. Five readers said they earn between $35,000 and $40,000, and three earn between $32,000 and $35,000.
Hourly rate: Five readers earn their income based on an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $18 an hour to a high of $24 an hour.
Daily rate: Eight readers earn their income based on a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $160 to a high of $200.
Commissions: Four readers derive part of their income from commissions, and one said her entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Thirteen of the readers receive paid vacations, and nine have paid holidays. Six receive health insurance, and nine participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
South Dakota
Who responded: Five readers, all female. Four have practiced for fewer than 15 years and work for one office, as opposed to multiple practices. Four readers work 31 to 40 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $38,600. The highest income reported was $40,000 a year. All five readers said they earn between $35,000 and $40,000 a year.
Hourly rate: One reader earns her income based on the hourly rate of $19.
Daily rate: One reader earns her income based on the daily rate of $185.
Commissions: Two readers derive part of their income from commissions, and one said her entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Four of the readers receive paid vacations and paid holidays. Two receive health insurance, and three participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 46 readers, all female. Twenty-three of the readers have been practicing for fewer than 15 years, and the other 23 have practiced for more than 15 years. Forty are employed by one practice, as opposed to multiple practices. Thirty-three work 31 to 40 hours a week, and eight work 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $35,360. Twenty-four readers earn between $32,000 and $45,000. Thirteen readers earn less than $30,000.
Hourly rate: Six readers said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $18 an hour to a high of $27 an hour.
Daily rate: Twenty-seven readers (82 percent) said they are paid according to a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $120 to a high of $250. Twelve are paid in the $185 to $200 range, and eight others are paid in the $150 to $185 range.
Commissions: Ten readers (22 percent) indicated that at least part of their income is derived from commissions, and six said their entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Eighty percent have paid vacations, 78 percent enjoy paid holidays, and 28 percent receive health insurance. Thirty-five percent participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 96 readers, including two males. Forty-one percent have been practicing for 11 to 20 years, and 34 percent have been practicing for more than 20 years. Eighteen percent of the respondents work in public health dentistry. Sixty-seven percent of the remainder are employed by one dental practice, and 26 percent work for two offices. Fifty-nine percent work 31 to 40 hours a week, and 18 percent work 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $40,500. Twenty-eight percent said they earn between $32,000 and $40,000; 19 percent said they earn between $45,000 and $50,000; and 16 percent said they earn between $40,000 and $45,000.
Hourly rate: Forty-five percent of readers said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $14 an hour to a high of $72 an hour. Forty-one percent of the "hourly" hygienists are paid in the $28 to $31 range, and 38 percent are paid in the $24 to $27 range.
Daily rate: Twenty-nine percent of readers said they are paid according to a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $143 to a high of $279. Fifty-six percent are paid in the $170 to $200 range, but 26 percent said they are paid in the $215 to $235 range.
Commissions: Fourteen readers (15 percent) earn at least part of their income from commissions, and seven readers said that their entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Seventy-one percent have paid vacations, 71 percent enjoy paid holidays, and 42 percent receive health insurance. Forty-five percent participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 13 readers, all female. Seven have practiced for fewer than 10 years, and four have practiced for more than 20 years. Eight readers work for one office, as opposed to multiple practices. Seven work 31 to 40 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $35,000. The highest income reported was $50,000 a year. Eight of the 13 readers said they earn between $32,000 and $50,000.
Hourly rate: Six readers earn their income based on an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $24 an hour to a high of $35 an hour.
Daily rate: Six readers earn their income based on a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $195 to a high of $245. Three earn between $215 and $235 a day.
Commissions: Two readers derive part of their income from commissions, and one said her entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Four of the readers receive paid vacations, and three have paid holidays. One receives health insurance, and four participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 9 readers, all female. Six have been practicing for more than 25 years. Six readers work for one office, as opposed to multiple practices. Three work 31 to 35 hours a week, and three work 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $26,200. The highest income reported was $62,000 a year. Four said they earn less than $30,000 a year, and only one earns more than $35,000 a year.
Hourly rate: Seven readers earn their income based on a hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $20 an hour to an high of $25 an hour. Four are paid $20 to $21 an hour.
Daily rate: Two readers earn their income based on a daily rate. The two rates are $131 and $240.
Commissions: None of the readers reported earning commissions.
Benefits: Seven of the readers receive paid vacations, and six have paid holidays. Two receive health insurance, and four participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 47 readers, including two males. Twenty-five of the readers have practiced for more than 15 years, and 19 have practiced for less than 10 years. Thirty-five are employed by one practice, as opposed to multiple practices. Twenty-eight work 31 to 40 hours a week, and 10 work 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $47,000. Twenty-six readers earn in excess of $45,000, and 14 readers earn between $35,000 and $45,000.
Hourly rate: Thirty-four readers said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $19 an hour to a high of $35 an hour. Fifteen are paid in the $26 to $29 range, and 10 are paid in the $30 to $35 range.
Daily rate: Nine readers said they are paid according to a daily rate, which ranged from a low of $184 to a high of $240. Four are paid in the $215 to $235 range.
Commissions: Seven readers (15 percent) indicated that at least part of their income is derived from commissions, and two said their entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Eighty-seven percent have paid vacations, 85 percent enjoy paid holidays, and 40 percent receive health insurance. Sixty-two percent participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 54 readers, including one male. Twenty-four of the readers have practiced for more than 20 years, and 19 have practiced for 11 to 20 years. Forty-two are employed by one practice, as opposed to multiple practices. Twenty-nine work 31 to 40 hours a week, and 14 work 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $47,940. Twenty-three readers earn between $40,000 and $50,000, and 17 readers earn more than $50,000.
Hourly rate: Fifty readers (96 percent) said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $23 an hour to a high of $43 an hour. Eighteen earn $27 to $33; 18 earn $34 to $37; and 11 earn more than $38 an hour.
Daily rate: Two readers said they are paid according to a daily rate. The rates are $310 and $312.
Commissions: Two readers indicated that at least part of their income is derived from commissions.
Benefits: Seventy-four percent have paid vacations, 67 percent enjoy paid holidays, and 44 percent receive health insurance. Sixty-three percent participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
West Virginia
Who responded: 9 readers, all female. Six have been practicing for more than 20 years. All nine work for one office, as opposed to multiple practices. Six work 31 to 40 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $29,000. The highest income reported was $50,480 a year. Five said they earn less than $30,000 a year.
Hourly rate: Five readers earn their income based on an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $15 an hour to a high of $23 an hour. Three are paid in the $15 to $18 range, and two are paid in the $22 to $23 range.
Daily rate: One reader earns her income based on the daily rate of $190.
Commissions: Three of the readers said their entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Six of the readers receive paid vacations, and four have paid holidays. Three receive health insurance, and three participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 76 readers, all females. Forty-three percent have been licensed for less than 10 years, and 30 percent have been practicing for 11 to 20 years. Eighty-five percent are employed by one dental practice, and 12 percent work for two offices. Thirty-four percent work 31 to 35 hours a week, and 34 percent work 21 to 30 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $30,045. Forty-nine percent said they earn less than $30,000, and 29 percent said they earn between $32,000 and $40,000.
Hourly rate: Ninety-five percent of the readers said they are paid according to an hourly rate, which ranged from a low of $11 an hour to a high of $29 an hour. Thirty-three percent of the "hourly" hygienists are paid in the $22 to $23 range; 31 percent are paid $24 to $25; and 22 percent are paid $19 to $21.
Commissions: Nine readers (12 percent) earn at least part of their income from commissions, and one reader said that her entire income is based on commissions.
Benefits: Eighty-eight percent have paid vacations, 80 percent enjoy paid holidays, and 32 percent receive health insurance. Sixty-seven percent participate in an employee pension or 401(k) program.
Who responded: 2 readers, both female. One works 21 to 30 hours a week, and the other one works 31 to 35 hours a week.
Total income: The average annual income is $32,500, since one earns $32,000 and the other one earns $33,000.
Hourly rate: Both readers earn their income based on the hourly rates $20 and $30.
Commissions: The two readers do not earn commissions.
Benefits: Both readers receive paid vacations and paid holidays, but they do not receive health insurance or participate in a pension or 401(k) program.
The mysterious nine
Nine readers were unable, or declined, to identify their gender while completing the survey`s questionnaire that appeared in the May 2000 issue.
We were a little worried.
So we checked their answers to the "satisfaction" questions that appeared in the survey. Three were "very unsatisfied" with the benefits they receive from employers. Otherwise, these nine readers were either "content" or "very satisfied."
With this in mind, RDH believes the profession and society in general are safe. No need to adopt extra security precautions at the office or at home.