The ultrasonic waves per se have been recently shown in an independent university study of the Ultrasonic toothbrush to rupture the chain formation of Streptococcus Mutans, and to damage the bacteria cells 5mm beyond the bristle tips. The study explains why the Ultrasonic toothbrush is more effective in reducing gingivitis and bleeding, 28 percent and 60 percent respectively, within 30 days of use.
The new Ultima™ model of the UltraSonex family combines high frequency bristle motion (18,000 spm) and ultrasonic waves (1.6 megaHertz), for more effective cleaning power and reversal of gingivitis. It loosens and removes plaque from hard-to-reach areas between teeth and below the gumline. The Ultima™ comes with an automatic timer, which turns the brush off after three minutes of use. The Ultima™ premium package, distributed to dental professionals, comes with three replacement brush heads, and the new wavy brush head.
For additional information or a professional sample, call Sonex® at (800) GO SONEX (467-6639) or visit the company`s Web site at