Parkell, Inc. recently announced publication of a clinical newsletter discussing diagnosis and treatment of hypersensitive dentin.
The publication presents the company`s pain-free therapy for sensitive teeth. Much of the information is said to be totally nonpromotional.
According to most research, only 70 - 80 percent of the cases of chronic hypersensitivity truly are due to exposed tubules. In addition to treating this "classic hypersensitivity," the newsletter reportedly offers suggestions for diagnosing the remaining 20 - 30 percent of the cases that do not respond to classic treatments, or those that respond initially but the pain recurs.
Included are questions/answers from dentists and hygienists, reviews of recent research into hypersensitivity, and suggestions from practitioners concerning fees for chairside treatment.
The newsletter package is available without charge and may be ordered by writing to Parkell, Inc., 155 Schmitt Blvd., Box 376, Farmingdale, NY 11735.