
June 1, 1997
- The products are DisCide Disinfecting Towelettes, DisAseptic Antimicrobial Hand Wipes, Versi-Wipe (dry wipes, add solution to customize towelette), Refreshing Facial Towel-ettes (after procedure cleanup of both patient and staff), and Citri-Sol Orange Solvent Towelette.

Palmero Health Care introduces a line of dental towelettes for disinfecting and cleaning.

- The products are DisCide Disinfecting Towelettes, DisAseptic Antimicrobial Hand Wipes, Versi-Wipe (dry wipes, add solution to customize towelette), Refreshing Facial Towel-ettes (after procedure cleanup of both patient and staff), and Citri-Sol Orange Solvent Towelette.

- For more information, contact Palmero Health Care, 120 Goodwin Place, Stratford, CT 06497; (800) 344-6424.