
July 1, 2000
I really got a chuckle out of "Up, Up, and Away" (April 2000 issue). I, too, was not only a flight attendant with a major airline for 14 years, but also an RDH and mother to three children. I, too, enjoyed both occupations. But as my children entered school and started participating in after-school sports, I opted to hang up my "wings."

Dear RDH:

I really got a chuckle out of "Up, Up, and Away" (April 2000 issue). I, too, was not only a flight attendant with a major airline for 14 years, but also an RDH and mother to three children. I, too, enjoyed both occupations. But as my children entered school and started participating in after-school sports, I opted to hang up my "wings."

That was a real hard decision to make. Flying was an addiction with me: Having a new view outside your office window everyday, mingling with over 200 passengers a day, not to mention the flexibility flying offered me. However, hygiene also gives me not only the flexibility, but also keeps me a lot more grounded to be home with my kids, and gives me a more one-on-one relationship with my patients. I feel very fortunate to have juggled my dual occupations for five years, but my true love is definitely hygiene.

Jill A. Foster, RDH

Gilbert, Arizona

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