Denti-Care`s® 0.12% Chlorhexidine Gluconate Oral Rinse is formulated to provide an extra, short-term boost in the reduction of tissue inflammation, bleeding, and plaque accumulation. Used in conjunction with home-care programs, Denti-Care`s® Chlorhexidine rinse may be used for the treatment of gingivitis, periodontitis, oral irrigation (both in office and home), post-operative healing, and to reduce inflammation prior to planned dental procedures.
Denti-Care`s® Chlorhexidine rinse is flavored in a mild and pleasant mint formula to provide maximum comfort for sensitive patients. Denti-Care® Chlorhexidine rinse is packaged in a convenient 16-oz. bottle for home use and a one-gallon bottle for in-office irrigation and pre-rinsing.
To take advantage of the special introductory promotional offer - buy three cases, get one case free - contact your local dealer.
For more information or to place an order, call Medicom, Inc. at (800) 435-9267 or visit