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Editor's note: Take a “time-out”—let’s have some fun!

Aug. 1, 2020
Many of us feel overwhelmed with life right now. Dental hygienists are caregivers by nature, but sometimes the caregiver needs some self-care. It’s okay to take a “time-out” and have some fun. Our colleagues can show us how.
Jackie Sanders, MBA, RDH, Chief editor, RDH magazine

During the recent whirlwind of events, have you thought, “Would someone just give me a time-out and let me sit in a corner?”
While talking to a friend recently, I shared that it felt as if the world were spinning at a faster pace than I could keep up with, and I needed some downtime. Because I love to read, I provided myself with a quiet corner and picked up one of the many books lying on my desk. As I turned the pages, I began to exhale, contemplate, and realize that there is so much to be thankful for. There are times when televised news and social media can provide too much anxiety, and today was the day to unwind and enjoy the simplicity of a good book. Where do you go or what do you do to help you exhale?
Another unique time-out is being provided by some of our friends and coworkers. Many RDHs have coaching programs, mentoring skills, and a great ear for listening and reading between the lines. When sifting through all the comments and stories on Facebook, you are sure to come across those names that are qualified to assist. Look for Jasmin Haley, Tucker Smith, Angie Stone, Sharon Dolak, Edie Gibson, Machele Galloway, Amber Auger, Jamie Freitag-Dooley, Melissa Turner, Sonja Dunbar . . . and to all those colleagues I am sure I missed, I apologize in advance.
These individuals have created programs, courses, complementary words of wisdom, time management consulting services, and educational videos to assist our fellow dental hygienists through these times of change. Have some fun, take a personal time-out, and contact one of these colleagues and share your story or seek advice.
We have all been through a massive change, and giving ourselves permission to exhale and take some personal time is a gift we don’t provide ourselves often enough. As caregivers, it is in our nature to put others first. We often take care of everyone around us, with little energy left to care for ourselves. My dear friend Machele taught me that I need my downtime—nicknaming it my “cat-lady time”—when I can be alone for a while. Lately, I have found myself needing more of this time. Wherever you find your personal fun, make some time, and take a time-out.
Jackie Sanders, MBA, RDH
Chief Editor

About the Author

Jackie Sanders, MBA, RDH | Chief editor, RDH magazine

Jackie Sanders, MBA, RDH, has over four decades of continual career development and experience in dentistry. As the chief editor of RDH magazine, she strives to remain a proactive personality in the continual advancement of the profession. She has been defined as a motivated trendsetter and dependable colleague and is inspired by her true passion of helping others to achieve their personal goals.