Grass roots consensus

April 1, 1997
I must respond to the Perspective column in the January 1997 issue regarding Ms. Emmerling`s concern about the ADA`s resolutions for the new century.

Dear RDH:

I must respond to the Perspective column in the January 1997 issue regarding Ms. Emmerling`s concern about the ADA`s resolutions for the new century.

Correctly, she identifies that the bulk of practicing dentists disagree with the majority of the resolutions and wonders why the ADA leadership is out of step with its constituents. Well, hello, Heidi! Just what many hygienists have been saying about the hygiene association leadership!

So I guess dentists and hygienists at the grass roots level have far more in common than you realized. The response to the RDH magazine survey concerning HMOs must have given you some insight at the hygienists` level of disagreement with the association`s objectives.

I would suggest you read the Guest Commentary in the same issue by Dianne Smith and get a grip.

Deana S. Standley, RDH

Great Falls, Montana