The American Dental Association is accepting entries for its 1996 awards program. The two awards offered are the Community Preventive Dentistry Award and the Geriatric Oral Health Care Award.
The Community Preventive Dentistry Award recognizes those who have developed and/or implemented significant preventive dentistry projects. Appropriate community activities involve members of the dental team and include school programs, programs for special populations and high-risk groups, media public information programs, and private practitioners` community education activities and/or treatment programs.
The Geriatric Oral Health Care Award recognizes individuals and organizations who have improved the oral health of older Americans through innovative community health care delivery projects.
Eligibility is not limited to dental personnel. For the Community Preventive Dentistry Award, the first place recipient will receive a $2,000 check and a wall plaque. Meritorious awards of $300 may be granted to other entrants. For the Geriatric Oral Health Care Award, the first place recipient will receive a $2,500 check and a wall plaque. A meritorious award of $500 may be granted to another entrant.
Entries must be postmarked by May 17, 1996. Corporate sponsors of the awards are Johnson & Johnson Professional Division and Warner-Lambert Company Consumer Health Products Group.
For more information, or to obtain an entry form, contact Stephanie Courcy, program coordinator, Council on Access, Prevention, and Interprofessional Relations, American Dental Association, 211 E. Chicago Ave., 17th Floor, Chicago, IL 60611-2678; (312) 440-2858.