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What's new in silver diamine fluoride?

April 19, 2022
Silver diamine fluoride continues to be a popular product, so stay informed about the latest developments in SDF. Here are two good opportunities to learn more.

The Alliance for Oral Health Across Borders (AOHAB), in collaboration with Penn Dental Medicine Center for Integrative Global Oral Health, presents a comprehensive overview of current developments in silver diamine fluoride (SDF) in the “Continuing Conversations” series. Two innovative and cutting-edge webinars about SDF will be presented. 

The first webinar, titled “SDF: The science, evolution, and community implications,” discusses how clinicians can fully understand SDF and embrace its use. Researchers from around the globe will present the latest science about how SDF functions, the science behind SDF, and share example of community implementation. This will be presented live on Wednesday, May 4, from 9 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. EST.

More articles about SDF

SDF: Caries control in older adult patients
How to get your boss to adopt silver diamine fluoride (and other new ideas)

The second webinar is titled SDF: Challenges around the globe—Are other options available?” It reviews the many challenges with SDF, how to overcome them, and other products available or in development. This webinar will be presented live on Wednesday, May 18, from 9 a.m. to 10:15 a.m. EST. 

The two webinars will be moderated by Yasmi O. Crystal, DMD, MSc, FAAPD, Clinical Professor of Pediatric Dentistry, NYU College of Dentistry. The webinars feature speakers from several countries, including the US, Argentina, Australia, Hong Kong, and Cambodia. 

“Now that silver diamine fluoride is on the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines, understanding it in depth is vital for the global dental community,” said Dr. Deborah Weisfuse, president of the AOHAB. 

Learn more about the AOHAB SDF webinars and other “Continuing Conversations” at "Continuing Conversations"—Alliance for Oral Health Across Borders. 

Visit Alliance for Oral Health Across Borders—Dental Non-Profit Organization to learn more about the organization, its current initiatives, and how to become part of the network of like-minded individuals and organizations who support each other in elevating the quality of oral health care on a global scale.