Not a Dad

Oct. 1, 1998
Your picture of the group of male graduates from the Pensacola Junior College dental hygiene school (July 1998 RDH) caught my eye.

Dear RDH:

Your picture of the group of male graduates from the Pensacola Junior College dental hygiene school (July 1998 RDH) caught my eye.

I graduated from the Tallahassee Community College dental hygiene school in 1997. One of my favorite stories to relive took place even before the first semester began. Barely into my third day on campus, I had gone to the book store to order my instrument kit. I was told the bookstore manager preferred to handle these orders himself, so I waited for him. In a few minutes he came out - pen and order pad in hand - and strode up to the counter. He looked me straight in the eye, and said, "OK, what`s your daughter`s name?"

You could have knocked me over with a feather. But it helped set the tone (and provide me with plenty of opportunities to needle him!) for the next two years.

Congratulations to the group in the photo. My first year in my new career has been a great one. Now if I could just get my office teammates more enthused about football and basketball for debate during the lunch hours!

Michael Dillow, RDH

Port Charlotte, Florida