A national electronic reminder system to encourage regular flossing, Oral-B e-floss, has been launched by Oral-B Laboratories and the American Dental Hygienists` Association.
- The e-floss program is an electronic-mail service that automatically sends subscribers daily reminders, tips and advice on how to form good oral-care habits. To promote flossing as an important hygiene habit, unique e-mail reminders are sent either once a week for three weeks or daily for three weeks, according to the subscriber`s choice. Patients may register for this free service on the Internet at either www.oralb.com or www.adha.org.
- Dental hygienists and other dental professionals are encouraged to inform patients of and promote participation in the unique Oral-B e-floss program. In addition, oral-health professionals can participate in the e-floss program by submitting their oral-health advice and tips through the Oral-B and ADHA Web sites. For professionals` contribution to this program, Oral-B will supply floss for their personal use until the year 2000* and a quantity of e-floss buttons, which can be worn in-office to generate awareness among patients.
- To order patient-educational materials, professionals are invited to call Oral-B Laboratories at (800) 44-ORALB. Dental professionals also are encouraged to visit the company Web site at www.oralb.com.
- For more oral-health information, professionals can visit the ADHA Web site at www.adha.org.
* Dental professionals are encouraged to submit as many tips as they like, but will not be eligible to receive more than one personal supply of floss. While not all tips will be published, all participants will receive a 55-yard spool of Oral-B floss every three months until the year 2000. Supplies are limited. Offer good while supplies last.