Dear RDH:
Congratulations to Joanne Sheehan for her wonderful contribution to the February Readers` Forum. "The Other Uses for Dental Floss" was delightful. I wish RDH encouraged more of the same.
I have always thought that, as a group, dental professionals are sometimes a little too serious. It is a stressful business working in an ever-changing profession with patients who often don`t want to be there. But I`m not sure that a somber atmosphere is the answer. I think it is easier to affect people when they feel relaxed and comfortable. In our office, there is almost always laughter coming from one of the treatment rooms. Yet we constantly get feedback from patients about our professionalism.
I have a suggestion for RDH. Why not add a monthly column, perhaps only a half-page in length, allowing hygienists to contribute humorous stories about their professional experiences. I have been a hygienist for 32 years, and I can think of many! Let`s balance off the frequent "gloom and doom" found in your pages with something to make us all smile and celebrate the good things about being a dental hygienist.
Sue O`Brien, RDH
Arden Hills, Minnesota
Editor`s Note: I think Trisha O`Hehir, Dr. Joen Haring, Chris Miller, Cindy Biron, and Mary Martha Stevens represent quite a handful of columnists for the magazine. We`re not convinced we need more columns. However, as far as I know, RDH has never rejected a manuscript because there wasn`t enough "doom" or "gloom" in it. The door is always open to funny, upbeat magazine writers.