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How we embrace and leverage change

Aug. 19, 2022
Instead of fearing change, embrace it—it can bring about some of the greatest events of your career.
Jackie Sanders, MBA, RDH, Chief editor, RDH magazine

Life is all about change, and these changes often bring unexpected positive results. Change might be met with resistance, excitement, or butterflies in the stomach that can take over and turn into anxiety.

Change was once again introduced to me three years ago, and I accepted the role as chief editor of RDH magazine, a publication of Endeavor Business Media. With this new role I expected many learning moments and opportunities to grow and listen to my fellow dental hygienists. I was often nervous and reached out to members of the RDH Advisory Board for guidance and recommendations. I leaned on my internal team of colleagues, asking them for direction and reassurance. Throughout all the recent challenges our profession endured, I’ve admired the strength and determination of many of you as you embraced your personal change.

More by Jackie Sanders

The clinician in all of us
Look for the signs

Last month I sat among a room full of dental hygienists who were looking for change via networking with like-minded colleagues. RDH Evolution was a safe place for many of us to share, listen, and learn from those who had learned the positive outcomes acquired from change. It will be exciting to see how each of these people move on to embrace their sought-out change.

This month in the pages of RDH you will read an article from Bethany Montoya about changing routines to avoid burnout. Jessie Jones Teti shares what change can look like if you pursue a master’s degree, and there are numerous articles with a clinical focus that can change your daily patient care routine.

Last month we celebrated with each other, and the halls at RDH Under One Roof were once again filled with the joys of our profession. It was a reflection of our resilience and our desire to continue learning, alter our mindset, and fill our batteries with the energy of a profession that understands the growth that comes from change and challenges. Many of you left Orlando with the excitement of what change can bring as you step into your personal growth and heightened awareness of what you can do next.

Embrace the opportunities and find your support network. You may have even found it in the halls of RDH Under One Roof.

Editor's note: This article appeared in the August 2022 print edition of RDH magazine. Dental hygienists in North America are eligible for a complimentary print subscription. Sign up here.

About the Author

Jackie Sanders, MBA, RDH | Chief editor, RDH magazine

Jackie Sanders, MBA, RDH, has over four decades of continual career development and experience in dentistry. As the chief editor of RDH magazine, she strives to remain a proactive personality in the continual advancement of the profession. She has been defined as a motivated trendsetter and dependable colleague and is inspired by her true passion of helping others to achieve their personal goals.